Monday, June 3, 2024

The Fall Of The House Of Usha.

Depicted above is Ms. Usha Wright, current “Chair” of the Piermont, New York Zoning Board Of Appeals alias “Planning And Zoning Board Of Appeals” alias “ZBA”:

While Usha is currently a government official, her function and the function of the Piermont ZBA which she “Chairs”, may well have just been rendered temporarily useless or perhaps even permanently obsolete by the Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) signed by the Honorable Hal B. Greenwald, J.S.C. on May 30, 2024 in New City, New York. A copy of that TRO is printed below.

You see, future real estate development referrals from the Village of Piermont will need to be made to Rockland County government in New City and properly-documented before the Rockland County Planning Board:
– just like New York’s General Municipal Law (GML) actually requires of the soft and eminently-corruptible Piermont Village government that so stridently resisted doing so until now. 

This sea change will in turn have the practical effect of eviscerating any function which ersatz Piermont public officials like Usha Wright and dysfunctional bodies like the Piermont ZBA would otherwise arrogate unto themselves – that is, those selfsame persons and entities to whom and which we should all say “Good Riddance” at the very next appropriate opportunity.

Meanwhile, this author is aware of NO public statement made to date by Piermont ZBA “Chair” Usha Wright on her own behalf, on behalf of the Piermont ZBA which she supposedly “Chairs”, or on behalf of Piermont Village Government generally, which forcefully and plausibly marks ANY opposition to the dreadful 447-477 Piermont Avenue real estate development project still threatening Piermont village residents. Government's first function is to protect its constituents. Usha Wright and her Piermont Village Hall cronies have failed the entire community of Piermont.

By comparison, the Piermont Planning Board, at the time characterized by Village Hall as a separate and distinct body, was left headless when its former “Chair” Daniel Spitzer, brother of disgraced former New York State Governor Eliot Spitzer, quit his own Piermont Planning Board post in disgrace several weeks ago. Piermont’s feckless village government at times actually tries to pass-off the ZBA and Planning Board as one unitary force in response, on a recently-redesigned and yet starkly-inept Internet website page:

The recent events mark the last pathetic gasp of The House Of Usha.

Usha Wright’s utter failure to take any leadership role so as to stop the madness of the 447-477 Piermont Avenue real estate development project from within, is indeed the reason why Justice Greenwald’s May 30, 2024 TRO signifies The Fall Of The House Of Usha. It is this author’s earnest hope that the citizens of Piermont, New York will rise up at all next-available electoral opportunities, and sweep out every single elected public official in Piermont Village government who enabled the fetid real estate development project known as 447-477 Piermont Avenue. Hopefully, the appointed board member detritus will blow right out the Piermont Village Hall door with them.