Thursday, December 5, 2024

When Morons Control Governments.

Above and below you will see screen-shots from the official Internet website of Mayor Bruce Tucker’s Village of Piermont, taken last night. The screen-shot text announces the indefinite postponement of the previously-planned December 10, 2024 Christmas-time meeting and likely Board of Trustees vote, on the horrendous CBM Zone and 447-477 Piermont Avenue development.
Do not bother looking for these particular screens today. Bruce Tucker and his Village government hastened to remove them almost as quickly as the screens were posted. But if you insist:
Mayor Tucker and Piermont government made it a strategy to conceal material developments in the Village from the residents, for years at a time. That fact is well-documented elsewhere within the hundreds of individual posts on this Blog, and in the court file of Janice Young v. Piermont:
Now, faced with a New York State Comptroller “Risk Assessment”, the righteous collective indignation of taxpaying Piermont voter-residents, the exposure of Bruce Tucker’s past failures and indiscretions, and a series of further guests anticipated to be coming to the Garmento Mayor’s little block-party as well – the below is how Bruce Tucker and the Village of Piermont government spell a communication:


To paraphrase Gene Wilder’s character “Jim” in the Warner Bros. motion picture “Blazing Saddles” (1974):
“These are people of the land. The common clay... You know... MORONS”.

Moreover, if you agree with Jim’s oft-quoted statement, you are only partially-correct. Hearing the news of the indefinite postponement of the CBM Zone meeting, the weakest of the Piermont residents actually took to social media last night to thank the trolls currently inhabiting Piermont Village government, for the grand gift of the postponement. 

Yet that’s ludicrous. That would be like thanking Bernie Madoff for handling your money.
What the majority of the residents of Piermont still have yet to expressly acknowledge, is that these are not normal people currently inhabiting Piermont Village Hall government. Oh, the residents already know this on some level. But the reason that they cannot acknowledge it expressly, must be guilt. After all, the residents are the same people who repeatedly voted Bruce Tucker into mayoral office, or else did nothing and watched while it all happened. To quote my current favorite AI bot, “cognitive dissonance is a psychological state where someone experiences discomfort when their beliefs, values, or attitudes conflict with their actions”.
Now, after an eight-month fight and counting – and thanks to the same Internet that Bruce Tucker and Piermont government use to broadcast their novel experimental spellings - the facts are out. These outed facts are the same reasons why New York State Comptroller staff are reported to have just spent two to three weeks in Piermont Village Hall extracting further data and information from Piermont government’s books and records, and why Comptroller staff are likely coming back for more. Those state officials know, as do I, that when you are dealing with Bruce Tucker and his moronic Village Hall gang, you are actually not dealing with normal people. Rather, you are dealing with the moral functional-equivalent of white-collar criminals and organized crime. The only difference is, this situation is worse, because it is cloaked in governmental auspices and ostensible claim of right. Bruce Tucker used governmental offices to run a game on you. All of you. And most of you bought it. For seven years. Voters often remain gullible until the indictments are actually handed down.
Further information about Bruce Tucker and Piermont will be furnished to state and federal agencies in the days and weeks ahead. I trust that all Piermont residents will see Bruce Tucker and Piermont village government for the perps that they really are in the meantime, and will join the cause of right with the appropriate degree of ferocity. Why? Because this guy really desecrated your village and laid it to waste. At this point, over US$7,600,000 in a negative Net Position hole, it is not even clear that you can recoup your losses.