Thursday, August 8, 2024

Found Her.

Law Office of John J. Tormey III, Esq.
John J. Tormey III, PLLC
1636 Third Avenue, PMB 188
New York, NY  10128  USA
(212) 410-4142 (phone)
(212) 410-2380 (fax)
Thursday, August 8, 2024
Oladunni M. Ososami – Primary Credit Analyst
S&P Global Ratings
Standard & Poor’s Global Corporate
Two Lincoln Centre, 5430 LBJ Freeway
Dallas, Texas 75240 USA
Re: CUSIP Base #720798 – The Village of Piermont, New York – Municipal Bonds.
Dear Oladunni M. Ososami:
Your colleague Mominah Kamran in Credit Client Services informed me that you are the S&P Global Ratings Analyst for State of New York matters. As indicated above, I am writing to you regarding the embattled Village of Piermont, located within the Town of Orangetown, Rockland County, and the State of New York. I trust that you are the senior S&P Analyst who handles the Village of Piermont.
I am an attorney in New York. I am a resident of the Town of Orangetown, and the County of Rockland. Yet I represent no client in this matter. I only write you as a concerned citizen - and as a well-known adversary to the Village of Piermont, its current Mayor Bruce Tucker, and their egregious environmental practices.
Through use of a studiously-opaque village government, Mayor Bruce Tucker and the Village of Piermont are in the process of trying to sell-out Piermont to shady real estate developers threatening taxpaying residents with grave environmental harm, when Tucker and Piermont really should be working to remediate the constant flooding in the village instead. Some Piermont residents have even taken to re-building on stilts because of the flooding.
My request herewith is that you please carefully re-examine and re-analyze any bond rating that you and S&P may currently maintain for the Village of Piermont, New York – and also, consider the within information in connection with future Piermont bond ratings. I base this request upon the following specific reasons, with citations for your respective analysts:
Reason #1: Mayor Bruce Tucker and the Village of Piermont, New York just announced a drastic six-point-nine percent (6.9%) tax increase after first voting to exceed the otherwise-applicable tax cap. See “Incorporated Village or Piermont, Board of Trustees Meeting”, April 16, 2024 Minutes, at:
Reason #2: Since Year 2017, Piermont Mayor Bruce Tucker has put the Village of Piermont into a negative Net Position of (US$7,600,000) – that is, US$7,600,000 into the hole - from an original US$800,000 surplus. Tucker has purposefully redistributed the wealth of unsuspecting village residents into crushing, overstuffed long-term pension and other obligations, thereby mortgaging the collective futures of future generations of Piermont residents:
Reason #3: In a recent July 30, 2024 “interview” with well-known local planted propaganda publication the Rockland County Business Journal (RCBJ), Piermont Mayor Bruce Tucker nevertheless admitted to Piermont’s current financial distress for which he obviously did not adequately plan:
“‘[E]verything hit at once’, the mayor said. ‘We’re dealing with sticker shock on insurances, inflation, [sic] huge retirement mandates by New York State’.”
Reason #4: When questioned if he would use a portion of a puzzling US$3,210,196 “unassigned Fund Balance” (presumably) to offset the new and imminent tax hit to Piermont taxpaying residents, Mayor Tucker replied that he would only be using US$216,000 of that Fund Balance because, in his words:
“Bond counsel recommends not to take from the fund balance because it will affect the Village’s credit rating. [Emphasis supplied]. The credit rating decides the rate of interest the Village will pay on Bond (Capital) items. Currently the Villages[sic] S&P rating is AA+.”
See “Incorporated Village or Piermont, Board of Trustees Meeting”, April 16, 2024 Minutes, at:
Aside from the fact that Mayor Tucker thereby waived the privilege of confidential attorney-client communications when he was unwise and ill-advised enough to read the advice of “Bond Counsel” into the public record - Mayor Tucker’s own admission of his intentional manipulation of taxpayer funds to make the bond landscape appear rosier than it actually is, should be called out and acknowledged as deception by a public official. I ask that you please review the full text of the above-linked April 16, 2024 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes for a full review of Mayor Tucker’s unabashed artifice in this regard.
Reason #5: Piermont Village Hall made a recent “decision” to finally release and upload to the Village of Piermont website, the multiple years’ worth of Village financial statements which Village Hall had previously sought to conceal from Piermont residents since Year 2020:
Reason #6: In similar vein, Piermont Village Hall purposefully failed to timely file its financial information with the Office of the New York State Comptroller (OSC), thereby preventing anyone from ever seeing Piermont’s “Fiscal Score”, “Environmental Score”, and “Health Designation” for Fiscal Year 2023 in the “Fiscal Stress Monitoring System” within the New York State Comptroller’s website:
This apparently has become an unfortunately familiar tactic by other financially distressed municipalities in Rockland County, New York, as I am sure that you are already well aware.
In summary, it is my belief that, at minimum, the innocent bondholders and their representatives who have relied upon any prior Piermont bond rating or disclosures relating thereto, deserve a re-examination and review of the Piermont Village Hall shenanigans that the Piermont residents have suffered through during the six-and-one-half years of Bruce Tucker’s malignant mayoral reign. The time to do it is now, before Piermont Mayor Bruce Tucker tries to raise taxes again.
I will appreciate a response from you on the above. Thank you.
Respectfully submitted,

John J. Tormey III, Esq.