Monday, August 19, 2024

Christine McAndrews, Piermont Village DisTrustee And Unabashed Bruce Tucker Puppet.

On the sheet of paper printed immediately below, you will find a list of the number of known instances that Piermont, New York DisTrustee Christine McAndrews (above and below) has spoken publicly in decisive and clear opposition to the hideous 447-477 Piermont Avenue real estate development project and the farkakte
 Piermont CBM Zone, each threatening to permanently desecrate the Village of Piermont:

Yet Piermont is the Village that McAndrews supposedly represents.

That's right. Since Piermont Village DisTrustee Christine McAndrews betrayed every single Piermont resident on Tuesday night July 16, 2024 by not seconding Trustee Nate Mitchell’s motion to repeal the CBM Zone in Piermont, McAndrews has had more than a month to ruminate on that same failure of hers, and its awful ramifications for the future of Piermont:

Yet McAndrews has since made no known public statement and taken no known public action, to try to correct her July 16, 2024 failure. That means that the correction is never happening.

This is all the more puzzling, because McAndrews obviously has no qualms about drumming up a public spectacle of herself in multiple other contexts, "Asbury Lanes" and otherwise:

To recap - here's the McAndrews scorecard:

1. McAndrews has neither done or said anything publicly towards repeal of the CBM Zone in Piermont. 

2. McAndrews has neither done or said anything publicly to firmly oppose the 447-477 Piermont Avenue project.

3. McAndrews was on the Planning Board for at least three years prior to becoming a Piermont Village Trustee. She was hand-picked and planted by none other than Garmento-From-Elizabeth Mayor Bruce Tucker to fill the position. McAndrews will be supporting Tucker's abominable decision-making right down the line, which will sell out the Village to seedy real estate developers, bankrupt the Village, and empty the pockets of taxpaying residents while spiking taxes upwards.

Don't call it anything other than what it is.