Thursday, July 18, 2024

My Blog-Hit Numbers Are Spiking Upwards.


What every single voter in the Village of Piermont, New York needs to know, is that Village DisTrustee Christine McAndrews (first photo, above) betrayed every single Piermont resident on Tuesday night, July 16, 2024. Thankfully, we have the audio and video recordings to prove it, not to mention the bevy of live witnesses who watched, I must say, with abject disgust as it happened.
That night, Piermont Village Trustee Nathan ("Nate") Mitchell made a motion to repeal the horrid Central Business Multi-Use District (“CBM District”, or “CBM Zone”) - the same malicious overall Piermont government plan that threatens to place an unsightly multi-unit residential cowlick right in the center of the Village at 447-477 Piermont Avenue.
Immediately after Trustee Mitchell brought that motion on Tuesday night, July 16, 2024, Village DisTrustee Christine McAndrews had her one opportunity to prove to the people of Piermont that she actually had their backs – to show them that she was going to use her new-found seat on the Village Board of Trustees to actually protect the interests of the residents of Piermont, New York.
Yet Christine McAndrews wholly failed to second Trustee Mitchell’s motion. Even worse, in an obviously-rehearsed and orchestrated colloquy, Christine McAndrews deliberately threw Nathan Mitchell’s motion into a state of confusion and chaos to defeat it. Interjected Christine McAndrews, disingenuously: "... my question is are we allowed to comment...?" about the repeal of the CBM District.

Because of Christine, Nate Mitchell's motion died on the floor for want of a "second" to the motion.

And wait a minute, Christine... "Are we [the Village Trustees] allowed to comment?"... You mean, in front of all the earnest Piermont residents attending the July 16, 2024 meeting whose collective fate is in your own hands, Christine?... What, because of an underlying litigation pending in New City which is already fully a matter of public record?:
The most important public issue facing Piermont, New York this year, and perhaps ever – and the Christine McAndrews "solution" to it, is - PUNT.
Fact: Christine McAndrews is in the real estate business:
Fact: Christine McAndrews sat on the Village of Piermont Planning Board for at least three years immediately prior to her recent placement on the Piermont Board of Trustees:,%202020.pdf
Fact: That is the same Piermont Planning Board, formerly run by its disgraced former head and Love-Guv Client 9 brother Dan Spitzer, who BROUGHT you the CBM District and the nasty 447-477 Piermont Avenue development to begin with. That's right. Christine McAndrews is herself one of the public officials who brought you 447-477 Piermont Avenue:
Fact: Christine McAndrews was hand-picked and anointed for the Planning Board and Trustee positions by none other than Mayoral lout Bruce Tucker, the former home goods garmento who is now methodically selling out the Village of Piermont parcel-by-parcel to shady out-of-state real estate developers, as what is in all likelihood part of his own ill-conceived retirement and exit plan:

If you seriously believe that making nice with new Piermont Village DisTrustee Christine McAndrews is how you as a Piermont resident are going to stop the CBM District and 447-477 Piermont Avenue, then you are truly one of her pigeons.
And remember, a 4-1 supermajority vote by Christine McAndrews and the other three Village DisTrustees will ultimately override BOTH Trustee Nate Mitchell, AND any Rockland County Planning rejection of 447-477 Piermont Avenue and the CBM District which might occur in the future.
A real “Trustee” with even a modicum of integrity would have immediately seconded Nathan Mitchell’s motion to repeal the CBM District. This past Tuesday night, Christine McAndrews proved to all of you, publicly, that she lacks even that modicum of integrity. She's not just useless. She's working the other side.
Piermont, your fate is now in the hands of four Piermont Village DisTrustees who have very purposefully and very calculatingly banded together to sell out your interests and your homes in favor of the out-of-state monies of out-of-state real estate developers. Those four Piermont Village DisTrustees are:
Village DisTrustee and “Mayor” Bruce Tucker.
Village DisTrustee Christine McAndrews.
Village DisTrustee Mark Blomquist.
Village DisTrustee Michael E. Wright.
The malicious and self-serving actions of these four Village DisTrustees must be stopped before their plan destroys the beauty, aesthetics, functionality, and habitability of the Village of Piermont forever.