Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Clean-Up On Aisle DeCarlo!

Within twenty-four hours of the posting of the below-linked Blog-entry calling out Frank DeCarlo and his company “FDC Development” alias “” for referring to all of us as “mofos” [his words], and for using his professional URL of to link all of us to an offshore Internet website promoting and depicting Asian hardcore pornography:
… Frank DeCarlo, or else someone acting at his behest, just tried to clean-up his Instagram page.
That’s right.
1. Frank DeCarlo has now deleted the heretofore-perennial “mofos”[sic] reference on his Instagram page; and

2. Frank has also now deleted the hardcore Asian porn link of previously written on his Instagram page. Here, look at how he cleaned up his Instagram page:

Frankie’s problem is, though, just like the City of Troy code inspector personnel figured out a few years ago, he gets an “F” in “Clean-Up”. (That’s an “F” for “Frankie”, of course):

You see, what Frankie needs to realize, is that because of Internet "wayback" technology, screenshots, and Google bot lag-times, everything leaves a trace.
That’s right. As of this morning, Frank DeCarlo’s Instagram is still indexed by the Google bots as “work hard… play hard mofos![sic]”. This is how a Google-search looking for Frank DeCarlo's Instagram account, still appears today:
You’re right, Frankie D. That’s exactly what I intend to do. Thanks for the continued encouragement.