Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Frank DeCarlo Welcomes You To Fantasy Island.

Almost all of the homeowners and residents of the Village of Piermont are dignified, intelligent, first-class people. Consequently, they deserve first-class treatment from their village government. They also deserve first-class treatment from the developers, builders, and contractors who work on properties there. Right now, though, the people of Piermont are not being accorded that first-class treatment.
New Jersey’s Francis Steven (Frank) DeCarlo and his company “Piermont Developers Limited Liability Company” seek to develop a piece of land at 447-477 Piermont Avenue in Piermont, New York. I have heard locals sometimes refer to this property as “The Island”. “The Island” is actually four properties combined together for the purpose of development. Historically, part of “The Island” served as parking for locals, for decades. Another part of the Island once served as a Sunoco Gasoline Station.

This Blog has made note in the past of Frank DeCarlo’s unusual Instagram page, and his puerile life’s motto inscribed thereupon reading “Frank DeCarlo - Work hard… play hard mofos[sic]”:

Yet even more distasteful, as you can see above, is the fact that Frank DeCarlo promotes his professional work website of www.fdcdevelopment.com on his Instagram page found at:

Frank even LINKS www.fdcdevelopment.com to his Instagram page, as you can also see above. But don’t click on the link!

A few months ago, the www.fdcdevelopment.com URL touted by Frank DeCarlo as his business URL, was a dead-link. I pointed that out in prior Blog-posts.
Yet now www.fdcdevelopment.com is something else. And be careful. Because not only does the address-bar of your browser read as “Not secure” when you click on Frank DeCarlo’s work URL of www.fdcdevelopment.com - but in fact, Frank DeCarlo’s work URL of www.fdcdevelopment.com now directly links to a website promoting hard-core pornography, accompanied text written in Chinese characters.
There are basically three explanations for why this happened:

I. Frank DeCarlo could have purposefully linked his www.fdcdevelopment.com work website to an Asian hardcore porn site, as his special way of flipping the proverbial bird to the people of Piermont, New York; or

II. Frank DeCarlo could have purposefully linked his www.fdcdevelopment.com work website to an Asian hardcore porn site, as his way of making another “mofos” kind of joke, which in his mind must be very cute and funny; or
III. Frank DeCarlo paid insufficient attention to his own professional work website and URL, failed to renew its URL, let the URL lapse, and then discovered that overseas pornographers grabbed his URL while he wasn’t looking.

I believe in facts, science, statistics, and probabilities. It is obvious to me that Explanation #3 above is by far the most likely explanation of how Frank DeCarlo’s work URL of www.fdcdevelopment.com ended up being conscripted and thereafter linked to an Asian hardcore porn site. And that’s exactly indicative of the problem. That’s exactly why the people and voters of Piermont, New York, and the politicians in Piermont Village Hall, need to stop Frank DeCarlo from building anything at 447-477 Piermont Avenue. A guy incapable of paying attention to detail should not be allowed to build a multi-unit residential structure in the middle of picturesque and historic Piermont – particularly a guy whose historic business has been flipping single-family residences in Jersey and not the construction of massive multi-unit residences:
What else do we know about Frank DeCarlo’s lack of ability to handle detail? It’s funny that you should ask. The OPRA and FOIL campaign that has been waged over the past several months, actually tells us:
1. First of all, Frank Decarlo obviously didn’t get the memo that Piermont residents only want attractive and conforming buildings in their village. Frank missed that little detail:
2. While it is not yet clear on written public record if, how, and when Jerry Polidoro sold part or all of “Piermont Developers Limited Liability Company” to Frank DeCarlo, Frank DeCarlo’s “Piermont Developers Limited Liability Company” failed to file its Annual Reports with the State of New Jersey Secretary of State for over seven years through April of this year, leading not just to the suspension but to the revocation of that company. To the extent that Frank DeCarlo owned “Piermont Developers Limited Liability Company” at any point in time prior to April 2024, then that’s a cute little detail that Frank missed, too:
3. Frank DeCarlo appears to have thusfar missed the small detail that he intends to build something which was at last count a 14-unit residential structure, in a village which regularly floods:
4. Frank DeCarlo also appears to have thusfar missed the small detail that he intends to build something which was at last count a 14-unit residential structure - over a former Sunoco gasoline station which likely had underground gasoline tanks - within a few hundred feet of a Superfund site:
5. Frank DeCarlo also appears to ignore the fact that developer-enablers in Piermont Village Hall are leaving government this year like rats jumping off a sinking ship, likely thinking that they can somehow thereby avoid accountability and community condemnation for the 447-477 Piermont Avenue project:
6. As for even more hardcore facts, we know that Frank DeCarlo allowed not just one but two of his General Contractor licenses lapse, such that he and his licenses thereafter had to be “reinstated”:
7. We know that Frank DeCarlo missed the small detail known as courtesy, instead electing to curse out officials in at least one Borough in New Jersey with his “nasty mouth”:
8. We know that Frank DeCarlo’s inattention to detail sometimes leads to motor vehicle stops and warnings from his local Cresskill police department – but hey, he knows most all of the cops in Cresskill, so fuggedaboudit!:
9. We know that in the context of a renewal application for one of his general contractor’s licenses, Frank DeCarlo actually indicated to state government authorities that he had a criminal record and been convicted of a crime – only to then recant it all by writing “must have pressed the wrong key” on a re-submitted form:
10. We know that Frank DeCarlo bought a property and became a landlord in Troy, New York, renting out up to ten bedrooms in what was supposed to be a two-family house, mostly to feral RPI students. The property thereafter received multiple code violations and became so heavily-infested with mice and squirrels that the City of Troy shut it down for a spell, ordering the premises vacated as “Unfit For Human Habitation”. Frankie claimed to the City of Troy that he didn't receive most of the violation notices. More things he missed:
11. We know that the Troy, New York landlord-tenant debacle was part of a larger problem, whereby the residents of Highland Avenue there accused Frank DeCarlo of paying insufficient attention to the wildlife inhabiting the woods which he intended to develop, and insufficient attention to the vulnerability to mudslides of the pre-fab houses Frank intended to insert on the inclined property:
12. We know that, working through a company named “Roedel, LLC”, Frank DeCarlo and a co-venturer sold a doctor and his wife a house in Paramus, New Jersey for almost a million dollars back in Year 2002. By year 2005, the house turned out to have a massive crack running across two adjacent load bearing walls, compelling an initial dispute with the homeowner, a homeowner claim on the warranty to the State of New Jersey, and a sell-off of the house by the doctor shortly thereafter:
So, you can joke all you want about Frank DeCarlo’s Instagram page, and its newfound direct connection to an Asian hardcore porn website. It is also entirely possible that by the time you read this Blog-post, Frankie will have either deleted the www.fdcdevelopment.com link from his https://www.instagram.com/frank_decarlo/ Instagram page, or perhaps even reacquired the www.fdcdevelopment.com URL from the thusfar-anonymous offshore interests that snatched the URL away from his grip in the first instance.
Yet that’s not the point. The point is, Frank DeCarlo pays insufficient attention to critical detail.
The point is, the Village of Piermont should not allow Frank DeCarlo to build a multi-unit residential structure on Fantasy Island at 447-477 Piermont Avenue.