Thursday, July 25, 2024

Sure Plays A Mean Pinball.

Law Office of John J. Tormey III, Esq.
John J. Tormey III, PLLC
1636 Third Avenue, PMB 188
New York, NY  10128  USA
(212) 410-4142 (phone)
(212) 410-2380 (fax)
Thursday, July 25, 2024
VIA FAX: 1-202-772-9295, U.S. MAIL, and E-MAIL:
Olivier Girod, Director, Office of Support Operations and Chief FOIA Officer
U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, DC 20549-0213 USA
VIA FAX: 1-202-772-9295, U.S. MAIL, and E-MAIL:
Gary Gensler, Chair
U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, DC 20549-0213 USA
Re: Village of Piermont, New York – Municipal Securities/Bonds – CUSIP BASE #720798
Dear Chair Gensler, Director Girard, and  Colleagues:
I am an attorney in New York, and a citizen and resident of the Town of Orangetown, and the County of Rockland. Under Title 5 of the United States Code, Section 552 (5 U.S.C. §552) (“FOIA”):
request is hereby made that your offices timely provide to this, my law office, full, complete, unredacted, and otherwise unexpurgated copies of each and every document and other item of material (collectively, “Records”) which may be at all responsive to the below itemized requests:
1. Exhibit “A”. Please note that Exhibit “A” attached/enclosed is an August 26, 2020 “Event Notification” citing the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Rule 15c2-12 - referencing the Village of Piermont, New York, CUSIP BASE #720798 - and also referencing a Village of Piermont failure to timely file Fiscal Year 2019 material for a period of almost fifteen (15) months (the “Piermont 2019 Default”).
2. Exhibit “B”. Please also note that Exhibit “B” attached/enclosed is a November 13, 2020 “Erratum Notice” citing the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Rule 15c2-12 - referencing the Village of Piermont, New York - referencing a Bond date of December 11, 2020 – and also referencing a Village of Piermont omission of important text in a prior Notice of Bond Sale (the “Piermont 2020 Errata”).
3. All Records. Simply put, I am hereby requesting all Records relating to the Piermont 2019 Default, and all Records relating to the Piermont 2020 Errata.
4. Time-Frame. I am requesting the production of all Records created, generated, communicated, or otherwise existing from January 1, 2017 forward to the present day (the “Time-Frame”).
5. All Other Records. Additionally, I am requesting all other Records created, generated, communicated, or otherwise existing within the Time-Frame, relating to Piermont, New York, of any other kind. My understanding is that the Village of Piermont, New York may issue bonds every year, and I am seeking all records relating to each of those bond issues.
6. Persons. Additionally, I am requesting all other Records relating to the following Piermont individuals:
Jennifer DeYorgi Maher - Village of Piermont NY Treasurer, Chief Fiscal Officer, and Village Clerk.

Bruce Tucker – Village of Piermont NY Mayor.
Mark W. Blomquist – Village of Piermont NY Trustee.
Michael E. Wright – Village of Piermont NY Trustee.
Lino J. Sciarretta, Esq. - Village of Piermont NY Village Attorney.
Rob Burns – Former Village of Piermont NY Trustee (who recently quit his post).
Hannah Ross – Former Village of Piermont NY Deputy Clerk and Treasurer.

7. Types Of Records. Without limitation to the foregoing, a partial illustrative list of the types of Records which are requested hereby, is as follows:
Audit Materials
“Audited Financial Statements”
Payment And Repayment Schedules
Bid Materials
“Bond Calls”
Bond Ratings
Consent Judgments
Consent Orders
“Continuing Disclosures”
“CUSIP” Numbers
Deliberative Materials
Documents Indicating Fines
Documents Indicating Penalties
Erratum Notices”
“Event Notifications”
Exemption Documents
Financial Information
Financial Statements
Investigative Materials
Issuing Documents
“Material Event Notices”
“Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board” (MSRB) Materials
“No Action” Letters
“Notice Of Bond Sale” Documents
Offering Documents
Opinion Letters
Serial Bonds
Tax Opinions
Tender Offers
Transmittal Correspondence
Transmittal Letters
Transmittal Memos
Underwriting Documents
Violation Notices
8. Violations Of Laws, If Any. The foregoing requests include each and every Record reflecting any “violation”, “reporting violation”, fine, penalty, or other past, present, future, or anticipated violation, breach, or other transgression – if any - of any federal, state, county, town, local, or other ordinance, rule, regulation, requirement, or other law or standard, including without limitation any violation of rules, regulations, or other laws enforced by, relating to, or otherwise concerning the following agencies and authorities:
Federal Agencies
-United States Department Of Justice (USDOJ).
-U.S. Attorney’s Office (USATTY).
-Federal Bureau Of Investigation (FBI).
New York State Agencies
-Office of the New York State Governor (NYS GOV).
-Office of the New York State Comptroller (NYS COMPT).
-New York State Attorney General’s Office (NYSAG).
-New York State Department of Public Service/New York State Public Service Commission (PSC).
Rockland County, New York Agencies
-Rockland County, Office Of The County Executive (C.E.).
-The Rockland County Legislature (RCL).
Town Of Orangetown, New York Agencies
-The Town Of Orangetown, New York (OTOWN).
9. Definition Of “Records”. “Records” should be construed in the broadest sense and manner possible and should include any information kept, held, filed, produced or reproduced by, with or for your agency or office in any physical form whatsoever, including without limitation all audio recordings, blog posts, correspondence, data maintained electronically, data, e-mails, executive summaries, extracts, faxes, instant messages, Internet posts, letters, log-book entries, memos, paper records, personal messages, social media communications, spreadsheets, summaries, synopses, telephone records, test-reports, visual recordings, and any other materials.
10. Headings. The headings used herein are for convenience of reference purposes only, and should not be construed to be words of limitation or otherwise of any substantive significance relative to this FOIA request.
11. Costs. If there are any copying or other fees for this, please let me know what they are and how they are calculated, before filling the request and forwarding the Records to me. As this FOIA should be considered a matter of public importance, and as its results will be shared with the general public, I am asking that any otherwise-applicable fees be waived for this document-production. I am also asking that all documents be provided to me electronically to the full extent possible, so as to obviate the need for any photocopying expense.
12. Timing. As you know, the Freedom of Information Act requires that any agency, including your own, respond to a request such as this one within twenty (20) days of receipt of the request.
13. Appeals. In the event that any portion of my request is denied, please inform me of each of the specific reasons for any such denial in writing - and provide me with the name, address, and other contact information of the person or entity to whom an appeal should be directed.
14. Further Requests. This FOIA request is not intended to be exhaustive, and I may need to make additional or follow-up requests.
I will appreciate a response from you and your office as soon as possible. I look forward to hearing from you shortly. Thank you.
Very truly yours,

John J. Tormey III, Esq.