Saturday, July 20, 2024

"Hello... Ossining?..."

Law Office of John J. Tormey III, Esq.
John J. Tormey III, PLLC
1636 Third Avenue, PMB 188
New York, NY  10128  USA
(212) 410-4142 (phone)
(212) 410-2380 (fax)
Saturday, July 20, 2024
Letitia James, Attorney General
Office of the New York State Attorney General
Attn: Public Integrity Bureau, Criminal Justice Division
The Capitol
Albany, NY 12224-0341 USA
Anna Brower, Chief Of Staff
Office of the New York State Attorney General
Attn: Public Integrity Bureau, Criminal Justice Division
The Capitol
Albany, NY 12224-0341 USA
Office of the New York State Attorney General
Press Office, The Capitol
Albany, NY 12224-0341 USA
Re: Request For An Investigation Of The Village Of Piermont, NY Government
Dear Attorney General James, Chief of Staff Brower, and Colleagues:
Enclosed with this letter as Exhibit A is a copy of the May 31, 2017 “Statement Of Net Position” of the Village of Piermont, New York.
Enclosed with this letter as Exhibit B is a copy of the May 31, 2023 “Statement Of Net Position” of the Village of Piermont, New York.
My understanding is that 2017’s Exhibit A was made available on the Village of Piermont, New York Internet website. However, my further understanding is that the Village of Piermont may have ceased making this type of financial reporting available on its website circa 2020, and that therefore Exhibit B needed to be extracted from Piermont government through FOIL recently.
It is unfathomable that the government of a small village of approximately 2,500 residents with a positive Net Position of “US$834,138” in 2017, could have possibly run that village into the ground in 6 short years to a Net Position of “(US$7,622,669)” – that is, to a negative Net Position exceeding 7.6 million dollars in the hole.
While clearly, accounting conventions may have changed in that six-year period as regards pension liabilities for example, the pension vector between 2017 and 2023 as reflected in the Exhibits still appears to be staggering. Moreover, it appears that Piermont Village government deliberately changed the format of its “Statement of Net Position” macro template from 2017 to 2023, as also reflected in the Exhibits, perhaps in an attempt to shield Piermont Village Hall defalcation. As for the timing, my understanding is that the first mayoral term of current Village of Piermont Mayor Bruce Tucker commenced at the beginning of 2018. His mayoral reign lines up almost perfectly with these two alarming documents.
I represent no client in this matter, although in recent months I have undertaken to fight irresponsible real estate development and environmental practices by the Village of Piermont government. Those harmful real estate development and environmental practices may well be related to the Village’s underlying financial distress reflected in the two Exhibits hereto. Though I know that it should have no effect on any law enforcement investigation of potential Piermont village government financial malfeasance, you should please be aware that Mayor Bruce Tucker is a Democrat, and that the recently-departed head of the Village of Piermont Planning Board is one Daniel Spitzer, brother of disgraced former New York State Governor and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer.
Mindful that you will likely receive similar requests to investigate what is apparently newly-discovered information regarding the Village of Piermont’s 2023 negative “Net Position”, I respectfully request that you and your colleagues probe how a small-town village government in New York could have possibly blown-through that much by way of financial resources over a 6-year period, thereby putting its unsuspecting village residents so deeply in the hole.
Thank you for your careful consideration of this letter and its Exhibits.
Respectfully submitted,

John J. Tormey III, Esq.