As a litigator, you can sometimes wait an entire career and never make a discovery quite like this one. This grotesque Jersey testimonial which follows below, should be sufficient to cause the lawful excision of Piermont, New York Mayor Bruce Tucker from his current undeserved mayoral office.
If it doesn't, more is coming. I PROMISE you.
It should come as no surprise that Piermont Mayor
Bruce Tucker is currently in the process of trashing the Village of Piermont. After all, the below newly-discovered documents unearthed this week, illustrate how
Piermont Mayor Bruce Tucker once trashed an entire neighborhood in Elizabeth,
New Jersey. Tucker inflicted this damage using his sick “Front Street Smokehouse & Saloon” and his sordid “Lava
Lounge” businesses, which he used to own.
And he thought that you would never find out.
It’s ALL here - including fighting, disgusting public urination,
outrageous noise, bottle-throwing, late-night police calls, and Bruce Tucker’s abuse of neighbors including young
children and their families. Most telling is Bruce Tucker’s own admission, in writing in the text and documents posted below, that
his greasy barbeque business resulted in economic failure. No wonder Bruce
Tucker bailed out of the restaurant and bar business in 2016. No wonder Bruce Tucker told few if any people in the Village of Piermont that he owned this pig barbeque business and its accompanying trash dive-bar. HE knew that this below-reprinted file existed the whole time. He tried to leave no trail of breadcrumbs leading to it. But Bruce Tucker is as sloppy as he is unscrupulous.
The fact is that, as you can see from the sequence and timeline of the other documents posted below, Piermont Mayor Bruce Tucker arrogantly refused to quell the incessant noise problems, the public urination, the total mayhem that he inflicted on those unfortunate Elizabeth residents. For YEARS. Tucker might have even been playing live music generating the excruciating unwanted noise. As an Elizabeth New Jersey bar and restaurant owner, perennially self-serving Bruce Tucker cared about nobody but his own disagreeable protoplasmic self. You'll notice that this exactly tracks his current comportment as Piermont's dissolute mayoral malfeasor.
The verbatim transcript appears below, in both "Word" and ".jpeg" formats. I added some bold-face typeface in the transcript for emphasis and cleaned-up some of the punctuation. The admissions therein are in Piermont Mayor Bruce Tucker's own pathetic words, just a few short years before the voting residents of Piermont made the mistake of electing him Mayor of Piermont in 2017. Their FIRST mistake, that is.
Reading the appalling exchanges between Tucker and the City Council members, maybe when Tucker tried to gaslight the seven present sitting City Council members and everyone else in the room by telling them, collectively, that the outrageous noise levels emanating from his grease-pit were the product of everyone else's group imagination - well, maybe that wasn't the greatest idea, Garmento Bruce.
Bruce Tucker quit the sleazy Elizabeth New Jersey restaurant and bar business. He hightailed it out of town to return to the greener pastures of Piermont New York shortly thereafter.
Yet I just spent a few weeks on the phone with City of Elizabeth officials. Guess what? They still remember Bruce Tucker well, there.
Here's why:
- - - - -
presiding officer, President of the Council Frank Cuesta, taking the chair,
called the meeting to order and directed the Secretary to call the Roll:
Member-at-Large Edward Jackus, present.
*Council Member-at-Large, Patricia Perkins-Auguste, absent.
Council Member First Ward, Manny Grova, Jr., present.
Council Member Second Ward, Nelson Gonzalez, absent.
Council Member Third Ward, Joseph Keenan, present.
Council Member Fourth Ward, Carlos Cedeno, present.
Council Member Fifth Ward, William Gallman, Jr., absent.
Council Member Sixth Ward, Frank O. Mazza, present.
President and Council Member-at-Large Frank Cuesta, present.
* Council Member-at-Large Perkins-Auguste arrived soon after the roll call.
DiPaola,[Esq.,] Second Assistant City Attorney; Ezzio A. Bustamante, Board Secretary;
Giovanna Rua, Assistant Board Secretary; and George D. Vaccaro, C.C.R.
Cuesta then invited everybody to stand up[,] and asked Council Member Grova to
lead everybody in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, and then announced the
is a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Elizabeth convening as the
Municipal Board of Alcoholic Beverage Control… Notice of this meeting has been
prominently posted on the City Hall bulletin[-]board reserved for such
announcements, and is on file with the CITY CLERK and A.B.C. Board Secretary, Room
106, City Hall, Elizabeth, New Jersey, and mailed to any person upon request. A
copy of the annual notice was mailed to The Star [L]edger and the Home News
Tribune in compliance with the requirements of the New Jersey Open Public
Meeting Act”.
Cuesta called for a motion for approval of the minutes of the previous scheduled
meeting held December 21, 2009. Council Member-at-Large Jackus made a motion to
approve [the] minutes and it was seconded by Council President Cuesta.
*Council Member-at-Large, Patricia Perkins-Auguste, absent.
Council Member First Ward, Manny Grova, Jr., present.
Council Member Second Ward, Nelson Gonzalez, absent.
Council Member Third Ward, Joseph Keenan, present.
Council Member Fourth Ward, Carlos Cedeno, present.
Council Member Fifth Ward, William Gallman, Jr., absent.
Council Member Sixth Ward, Frank O. Mazza, present.
President and Council Member-at-Large Frank Cuesta, present.
* Council Member-at-Large Perkins-Auguste arrived soon after the roll call.
Cuesta directed the Secretary to call the roll:
Member-at-Large Edward Jackus, Aye.
Council Member First Ward, Manny Grova, Jr., Abstained.
Council Member Third Ward, Joseph Keenan, Abstained.
Council Member Fourth Ward, Carlos Cedeno, Abstained.
Council Member Sixth Ward, Frank O. Mazza, Aye.
President and Council Member-at-Large Frank Cuesta, Aye.
vote was: 3 Ayes, 3 Abstained.
The President announced the minutes were approved.
Cuesta directed the Secretary to recognize[] Council Member-at-Large Patricia
Perkins-Auguste[,] and announced the first order of business was:
ABC Board has requested the Vice-President of Front St[reet] Smokehouse &
Saloon, Inc., Mr. Bruce E. Tucker, plenary retail consumption license
No. 2004-33-227-002, City License No. C-158, with premises
located at 1 South Front St[reet], Elizabeth, New Jersey,
to come before the Board to answer some complaints received from neighbors
around this place of business.
- - -
Council Member First Ward, Manny Grova, Jr., Abstained.
Council Member Third Ward, Joseph Keenan, Abstained.
Council Member Fourth Ward, Carlos Cedeno, Abstained.
Council Member Sixth Ward, Frank O. Mazza, Aye.
President and Council Member-at-Large Frank Cuesta, Aye.
The President announced the minutes were approved.
Philip Costanza, 523 3rd Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 07202.
President & Stockholder with 33.33% business owned and 100 shares.
E. Tucker, ___ Piermont Place, Piermont, NY 10968.
Vice-President & Stockholder with 33.33% business owned and 100 shares.
Philip Costanza, 523 3rd Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 07202.
President & Stockholder with 33.33% business owned and 100 shares.
Vice-President & Stockholder with 33.33% business owned and 100 shares.
Bruce L. Kain, 1147 Debra Drive, Linden, NJ 07036.
Vice-President, Secretary & Stockholder with 33.33% business owned and 100 shares.
- - -
Cuesta asked if anybody from the audience would like to say a few words about this
Ferrera, one of the neighbors[,] approached the stand and introduced herself.
She mentioned that she has called the police several times for the noise. She
said that from May 2009 until now she’s been hearing noise coming from this
place of business on a weekly basis, usually every Tuesday, Thursday[,] and on
weekends, from 10:30 [PM] until 2:30 [AM].
Mr. Ferrera spoke in front of the Board and said [that] this is a quality of life
issue[,] and that he has small children[,] and he feels frustrated because
nothing is being done.
said [the] noise is so loud that he feels the vibration from the bass on his
walls all the time.
neighbor, Mr. Arriola[,] said that just about every Friday night he sees people
coming out of the bar and urinating outside.
Member Grava mentioned he received several complaints from neighbors concerning
the noise level at this location[,] and he spoke to Mr. Tucker and [Tucker] said he
would take care of this issue, and even after that meeting there was another
noise complaint.
Member Grava mentioned also that Mr. Tucker has never gone to the ABC office to
correct the trade name[,] and he told Mr. Tucker the purpose of this meeting was to give him a warning.
Member-at-Large Jackus asked if a change of corporate structure ever took place.
Mr. Kugelman, Esq., said “[N]o, never”[,] and explained that Mr. Tucker has taken
every effort to lessen volume of music.
Tucker explained the reason they changed the way they do business was because
BBQ business was failing for the past 4 ½ years.
Tucker went on to tell the Board that noise levels are not as high as people
try to make them believe.
Di Paola, Second Assistant City Attorney[,] asked Mr. Tucker if he was there (at
the business) late at night.
[Tucker] replied: “No.”
Member-at-Large Jackus mentioned [that] neighbors usually don’t come before the Board
to complain[] about a business.
Tucker said [that] they changed [the] menu instead of closing the business[.] [P]eople
come thru [the] patio door to avoid opening [the] main door therefore avoiding the
noise[.] [Tucker] said they are working to comply with city regulations.
Member Mazza said he went to see [the] premises[,] and said he has a lot of
respect for Mr. and Mrs. Ferrera to voice their concerns[.]
[Council Member Mazza] said he’s
bother[ed] by the urination that probably took place outside this establishment.
[Tucker] said [“N]o[”].
Cuesta explained why [the] licensee was in front of the Board[,] and told Mr.
Tucker not to come before the Board on another complaint.
. .
The next regular scheduled meeting of Alcoholic Beverage Control is Monday, February 22, 2010 at 7:30 [PM] in City Council Chambers, City Hall.
to adjourn by Council Member Mazza.
Seconded by Council Member-at-Large Perkins-Auguste.
Ezzio A. Bustamante, Secretary of Alcoholic Beverage Control, hereby certify
that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a meeting held January
25th, 2010.
In witness whereof, given under my hand and seal of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, Elizabeth, New Jersey this 3nd day of February, 2010.
The next regular scheduled meeting of Alcoholic Beverage Control is Monday, February 22, 2010 at 7:30 [PM] in City Council Chambers, City Hall.
Seconded by Council Member-at-Large Perkins-Auguste.
In witness whereof, given under my hand and seal of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, Elizabeth, New Jersey this 3nd day of February, 2010.
[Municipal Board Of Alcoholic Beverage Control, Members Of City Council, Elizabeth, New Jersey, To Piermont Mayor Bruce Tucker, January 25, 2010:
“[T]here is a concern when business owners don’t take responsibility [and] think [it] is OK for patrons to urinate and throw bottles all over the place”].
“[T]here is a concern when business owners don’t take responsibility [and] think [it] is OK for patrons to urinate and throw bottles all over the place”].