Law Office of John J. Tormey III, Esq.
John J. Tormey III, PLLC
1636 Third Avenue, PMB 188
New York, New York 10128 USA
(212) 410-4142 (phone)
(212) 410-2380 (fax)
New York State Department of Financial Services (NYSDFS)
Attn: Records Access Officer
One State Street Plaza - 1 State Street, 20th Floor
New York, New York 10004-1511 USA
Kevin J. Bishop, Esq. - Executive Deputy General Counsel
Martha A. Lees, Esq. - Deputy General Counsel
New York State Department of Financial Services (NYSDFS)
Office of General Counsel
One State Street Plaza - 1 State Street, 20th Floor
New York, New York 10004-1511 USA
New York State Department of Financial Services (NYSDFSDFS)
Public Affairs Office
99 Washington Avenue, Box 177
Albany, New York 12210 USA
FOIL Request: Bruce Edward Tucker a/k/a “Bruce Tucker”, Individually – Second-Mortgage Lender
Property: 2336 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, New York
US$130,000 Mortgage Dated September 30, 1991 With Mortgagor 2336 Bedford Realty Corp.
Reel 2754, Pg 2085 - Block 5126, Lot 59 - City Register Of The County Of Kings
and, as may be applicable, its state, federal, and other counterparts, including without limitation New York Public Officers Law, Article 6, Sections 84-90, and Title 5 of the United States Code, Section 552 (collectively herein referred to as “FOIL”), request is hereby made that each of you provide to this, my law office, full and complete copies of each and every document and other item of material dated, generated, or otherwise materializing from January 1, 1979 forward to the present day (collectively, “Records”) which may be at all responsive to the following requests:
4. In His Personal Name.
As indicated above, it appears from the Green Point Savings Bank v. Tucker
litigation file, that Bruce Tucker did business as a mortgage lender in his own
personal name, as opposed to doing business in any apparent corporate name.
While I find that surprising, I do not doubt the accuracy of the Green Point
Savings Bank v. Tucker litigation file, or the research of the
plaintiff-side Cullen and Dykman law firm in that litigation.
5. Bruce Tucker’s
Address. It further appears from the Green Point Savings Bank v. Tucker
litigation file, that Bruce Tucker’s address in 1992 was “107 Trumbull Street, Elizabeth, New Jersey 07206”. The
address is also indicated as “P.O. Box 268, Elizabeth, New Jersey 07206”, and "c/o FMC Pillow, Inc., 107 Trumbull Street, Elizabeth, New Jersey 07206”.
However, Bruce Tucker may have had other addresses while engaging in
mortgage-lending activities, both before and after his 2336 Bedford Avenue endeavor
in Brooklyn:
6. The Property Address.
The doubly-mortgaged real property that was subject of the Green Point
Savings Bank v. Tucker litigation, was located at “2336 Bedford Avenue,
Brooklyn, New York 11226”.
7. Licensure.
It is not yet clear to me whether real estate mortgage lenders like Bruce
Tucker were required to be licensed by your agency or by any other agency in
the 1990s and prior. That said, I am seeking all records relating to any
licensure of Bruce Tucker or any other person or entity with whom he may have
been associated such as Carmine Spinella, including without limitation all applications,
renewals, suspensions, revocations, or any other actions taken against his
licenses or those of his associates, if any.
8. Subject Matter
Listing. I have reviewed your agency’s Subject Matter Listing Of Agency
While I am not yet certain which of your agency’s records and departments would be most likely responsive to this FOIL regarding Bruce Tucker, I am identifying these of your categories, as of the likeliest greatest potential interest:
Financial Statements
Annual Reports
Annual Special Investigation Unit (SIU) Reports
Application Files
Civil Investigations
Compliance/Fair Lending Examinations
Consent Orders
Consumer Assistance
Consumer Complaints
Continuing Education Records
Court Case Files
CRA, BDD and Fair Lending
Criminal Investigations
Discipline and Enforcement
Examination Reports and Work Papers
Final Orders, Disciplinary Orders, and Consent Orders
Financial Statements
FOIL Files
Fraud Prevention Plans
General Files
Inspection Files
Investigation Files
Licensed Mortgage Banker Files and Mortgage banking
Licensee Files
Licensing Applications
Litigation Files and Subpoenas
Mortgage Loan Originator Files
Mortgage Loan Servicer Files
New Facilities
Office of General Counsel
Opinion Files
Referrals and Complaints
Registered Mortgage Broker Files
State Administrative Procedure Act (SAPA) Regulatory Files
9. Incidents,
Complaints, Claims And Litigations. Specifically,
I am seeking all Records reflecting, referencing, or otherwise relating to
any incidents, complaints, claims, mediations, arbitrations, or litigations
about, concerning, or otherwise relating to Bruce Tucker, if any.
10. Enforcement Actions.
Specifically, I am seeking all Records reflecting, referencing, or otherwise
relating to any enforcement or comparable actions against, about, concerning,
or otherwise relating to Bruce Tucker, if any.
11. Fines Or Other
Penalties. Specifically, I am seeking all Records reflecting,
referencing, or otherwise relating to any fines or other penalties assessed
against or otherwise imposed upon Bruce Tucker, if any.
12. License Transfers.
Specifically, I am seeking all Records reflecting, referencing, or otherwise
relating to any transfer of any license or other transfers of, by, for, or
otherwise concerning Bruce Tucker, if any.
13. E-Mails And
Correspondence. Specifically, I am seeking all Records of any e-mails,
memos, notes, correspondence, documents, or other writings to, from,
referencing, or otherwise relating to Bruce Tucker.
14. All Other Records.
Specifically, I am seeking all other Records of any other kind or nature
relating to Bruce Tucker.
15. Violations, If Any.
Specifically, I am seeking all Records reflecting, referencing, or otherwise
relating to any violation or claimed violation of any other laws, statutes,
ordinances, regulations, rules, requirements, or standards by, concerning, or
otherwise relating to Bruce Tucker – if any. Specifically, I am seeking each
and every Record reflecting any “violation”, “reporting violation”, or other
past, present, future, or anticipated violation, breach, or other transgression
of federal, state, county, town, local, or other ordinance, rule, regulation,
requirement, or other law or standard - including without limitation any
violation of rules, regulations or other laws enforced by or otherwise relating
to or concerning any of the following:
States Department Of Justice (USDOJ)
U.S. Attorney’s Office (USATTY)
Federal Bureau Of Investigation (FBI)
Office of the New York State Governor (NYS GOV)
New York State Attorney General’s Office (NYSAG)
Your New York State Department of Financial Services (NYSDFS)
All other New York state and local agencies.
Any other potentially-relevant government agency or authority.
16. Definition Of “Records”.
“Records” should be construed in the broadest sense and manner possible and
should include “any information kept, held, filed, produced or reproduced by,
with or for (your agency or office)... in any physical form whatsoever...”
(FOIL,§86[4]) including without limitation all audio recordings, blog posts,
correspondence, data maintained electronically, data, e-mails, executive
summaries, extracts, faxes, instant messages, Internet posts, letters, log-book
entries, memos, paper records, personal messages, social media communications,
spreadsheets, summaries, synopses, telephone records, test-reports, visual
recordings, and any other materials:
17. Headings And
Subheadings. The headings and subheadings used in this letter are for
convenience of reference purposes only, and should not be construed to be words
of limitation or otherwise of any substantive significance relative to this
FOIL request.
18. Costs. If
there are any copying or other fees for this, please let me know what they are
and how they are calculated, before filling the request and forwarding the Records
to me. As this FOIL should be considered a matter of public importance, and as
its results will be shared with the general public and published, I am asking
that any otherwise-applicable fees be waived for this document-production. I am
also asking that all documents be provided to me electronically to the full
extent possible, so as to obviate the need for any photocopying expense.
19. Denials And Appeals.
In the event that any portion of my request is denied, please inform me of each
of the specific reasons for any such denial in writing - and provide me with
the name, address, and other contact information of the person or entity to
whom an appeal should be directed.
20. Additional Requests.
This FOIL request is not intended to be exhaustive, and I may make additional and
follow-up requests.
I will appreciate a response
from you and your office as soon as possible. I look forward to hearing from
you. Thank you.
Respectfully, and with
John J. Tormey III, Esq.
VIA FAX: 1-518-474-1927, U.S. MAIL, and E-MAIL:
NYS Committee on Open Government (COOG)
Department of State
One Commerce Plaza, 99 Washington Avenue, Suite 650
Albany, New York 12231 USA
While I am not yet certain which of your agency’s records and departments would be most likely responsive to this FOIL regarding Bruce Tucker, I am identifying these of your categories, as of the likeliest greatest potential interest:
Annual Reports
Annual Special Investigation Unit (SIU) Reports
Application Files
Civil Investigations
Compliance/Fair Lending Examinations
Consent Orders
Consumer Assistance
Consumer Complaints
Continuing Education Records
Court Case Files
CRA, BDD and Fair Lending
Criminal Investigations
Discipline and Enforcement
Examination Reports and Work Papers
Final Orders, Disciplinary Orders, and Consent Orders
Financial Statements
FOIL Files
Fraud Prevention Plans
General Files
Inspection Files
Investigation Files
Licensed Mortgage Banker Files and Mortgage banking
Licensee Files
Licensing Applications
Litigation Files and Subpoenas
Mortgage Loan Originator Files
Mortgage Loan Servicer Files
New Facilities
Office of General Counsel
Opinion Files
Referrals and Complaints
Registered Mortgage Broker Files
State Administrative Procedure Act (SAPA) Regulatory Files
U.S. Attorney’s Office (USATTY)
Federal Bureau Of Investigation (FBI)
Office of the New York State Governor (NYS GOV)
New York State Attorney General’s Office (NYSAG)
Your New York State Department of Financial Services (NYSDFS)
All other New York state and local agencies.
Any other potentially-relevant government agency or authority.
John J. Tormey III, Esq.
VIA FAX: 1-518-474-1927, U.S. MAIL, and E-MAIL:
NYS Committee on Open Government (COOG)
Department of State
One Commerce Plaza, 99 Washington Avenue, Suite 650
Albany, New York 12231 USA
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