Friday, January 10, 2025

Garmento Mayor Bruce Tucker Drops Piermont New York Another Half-Million In The Net Position Hole.

On Tuesday evening January 7, 2025, in Piermont Village Hall, Piermont, New York Mayor Bruce Tucker urged Piermont residents to not believe what they read on the Internet about the Village’s bleak and compromised financial position. Yet query if that exhortation still applies when it is Tucker’s and the Village’s own original, primary-source documents that you are reading on the Internet – like those original, primary-source documents printed above and below.
My exhortation would instead be “Don’t believe everything you hear from a garmento mayor once busted by Good Housekeeping and the Wall Street Journal for falsifying sheet thread-counts while selling them to innocent unsuspecting purchasers”:
But that’s just me.
On Tuesday evening January 7, 2025, in Piermont Village Hall, Piermont, New York Mayor Bruce Tucker along with Piermont Village Clerk, Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer and preposterous sidekick Jennifer DeYorgi Maher (alias “The Yorg”) also sought to paint a rosy financial picture of the Village of Piermont. As part of this low-class publicity junket the below “Village of Piermont - Review of May 2024 External Audit” was furnished to at least some residents.

However, if you actually read this original “Village of Piermont - Review of May 2024 External Audit” document (printed below), and then compare it to Piermont’s Statements of Net Position of May 31, 2023 and May 31, 2017 respectively (each also printed below), you will learn the following. 

In a shorter-run look-back, as compared to the Statement of Net Position of May 31, 2023, Bruce Tucker and his iniquitous Piermont non-government just dropped you, the Piermont resident and taxpayer, another half-million dollars in the negative Net Position hole. 

Moreover, in a longer-run look-back, as compared to the Statement of Net Position of May 31, 2017, Bruce Tucker’s debauched mayoral reign has thusfar lost you a grand total of US$8,962,278 Net Position dollars – almost Nine Million Dollars. 

That’s Village money. 

Meaning, it’s resident and taxpayer money. 

That you're losing.
Bruce Tucker and The Yorg, are like Baghdad Bob teaming up with Kevin Bacon’s “Chip Diller” soldier character in “Animal House” – together, telling you that all is well.

It's not. Bruce Tucker is in the process of destroying Piermont for good, with senseless overdevelopment and abominable fiscal mismanagement.

Of your money.
I am also informed that the below “Village of Piermont - Review of May 2024 External Audit” is but a distillation of a much more lengthy document or body of work. If that is accurate, then why wasn’t the more detailed financial documentation voluntarily released to Village of Piermont residents and taxpayers simultaneously with the release of the below “review” document on Tuesday night?
Come on.
You know why.