Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Chicken Taps Sculptress For Piermont Village Board.

A picture is worth a thousand words.
In yet another photograph which a Piermont, New York government official decided to publicly-post to social media and the Internet, here’s an image of the new Village of Piermont DisTrustee, one Rondi Marie Casey, getting skunked on what looks to be an oversized shot-glass of Pepto Bismol:

Dateline October 15, 2024. It is the Tuesday after Justice Greenfeld’s Friday decision voiding out Mayor Bruce Tucker’s favorite 447-477 Piermont Avenue overdevelopment and farkakte “CBM Zone”. Yet as of this publication, Tucker refuses to get out in front of the story and communicate directly with his Piermont constituents about it. Tucker should be apologizing for wasting tons of their taxpayer money and leaving the now-dispirited Village of Piermont in shambles, financial and otherwise. Instead, while now planting newfound threats of an even more expensive litigation appeal through the Village’s Westchester outside counsel and the fake newspaper of the RCBJ Succubus, Mayor Bruce Tucker himself continues to hide from those residents that elected him and put him in office, like the coward that he is. Each further day of his own silence, Tucker continues to earn and deserve the Big Chicken award that Unhand Piermont! conferred upon him:
A number of days ago, Mayor Big Chicken realized that he needed to set up the Piermont Village Board of Trustees so as to prepare to override a likely Rockland County rejection of the 447-477 Piermont Avenue overdevelopment and the CBM Zone, following the inevitable New York State Supreme Court decision against him out of New City:
You see, a few weeks prior, Tucker had just scared the wits out of former Village Trustee Nathan (Nate) Mitchell, making Mitchell "quit" the Village of Piermont Board of Trustees over what could only be described as a Dean Vernon Wormer threat of Double Secret Probation worthy of that scene in “Animal House”:
So Bruce Tucker realized that he had a potential problem. To override the Rockland County Department of Planning on their likely-imminent rejection of the CBM Zone and the 447 development project, Tucker needed a supermajority of the Village of Piermont Board of Trustees – that is, a numerical majority plus one more vote. The Piermont Village Board of Trustees is typically comprised of five people, inclusive of Mayor Big Chicken himself. Yet after forcing out Nate Mitchell, Tucker only had four people left on that Board – himself, Christine McAndrews, Michael Wright, and Mark Blomquist. Now, you might jump to the conclusion that a “supermajority” of that residual body would simply be four votes out of four - given that a numerical majority would be three, so therefore a supermajority would be three plus one. Yet that would require unanimity - all four votes. Also, it is not clear that the override vote of a four-person body would be valid without the participation of an obviously-missing trustee. Even if a four-person vote was valid, Mayor Chicken did not want to take the chance that one of his three hench-persons would go rogue and side with the County disapproval at the last minute. So Tucker concluded that he needed to plug the hole in his Piermont Board of Puppets.
So who would Bruce Tucker anoint to fill the vacant fifth spot on the Piermont Board of Distrustees?
The early money was on the idea that Tucker would resurrect one of the prior Piermont government quitters, in the same way that the Syracuse Bulldogs team unleashed retired hockey goons McCracken and Ogilthorpe in the Paul Newman film “Slap Shot”:
Maybe Tucker would pick recently-dumped excised-DisTrustee Rob “You Can’t Fire Me, I Quit” Burns for the newly-vacated fifth Board of Trustees spot. There's your Ogilthorpe.

Or maybe Tucker would pick former Village of Piermont Planning Board Chair Dan “Edward Scissorhands” Spitzer for the spot. There's your McCracken.

Or, maybe Tucker would select one of the other Fellini-esque characters that populate the quaint little Hudson River Village of Piermont. Maybe Tucker would enlist one of his buddies from Piermont Hose – if they weren’t too busy themselves initiating their young new recruits in the ways of the world, that is.

But no. Mayor Big Chicken Tucker did none of the above.
What Mayor Big Chicken Tucker did do, was appoint one Rondi Marie Casey as your new Piermont Village DisTrustee. And guess what Rondi Casey’s qualifications are for Piermont Village DisTrustee?
She’s a sculptress.
So what could possibly go wrong with that?
Once the Rockland County Department of Planning rejects the 447-477 Piermont Avenue project and the CBM Zone, Mayor Chicken Tucker will in all likelihood bring the matter back before the Village Board of DisTrustees to try to end-run around the County. Tucker is bitter and he wants revenge against his own Piermont neighbors.
At that point, the individual likely to cast the deciding supermajority vote to trash Piermont’s landscape permanently, is a SCULPTRESS. Like an ugly clay monstrosity on a potter's wheel, please, I ask you, let that sink in for a while.

Or else, since we know that Tucker, Wright, and Blomquist are already in lock-step with each other, the deciding supermajority vote to trash Piermont’s landscape permanently, will be cast by this luminary instead:

Yes, these are also photographs that an inept and clueless Piermont DisTrustee and government official decided to publicly-post to social media and the Internet. (And wait until you see the other photo she posted besides these two winners).