Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The Piermont Mayor Lies Through His Teeth, While Throwing Client 9's Brother Daniel Spitzer Under The Bus.

To say that Mayor Bruce Tucker and his Piermont village government malefactors are having a bad week, would be like saying that things used to get a little rough at Sparks Steakhouse in Manhattan.
You will recall that Mayor Tucker and his inept gang tried to steal Justice Greenfeld’s thunder this past Thursday, in connection with the 447-477 Piermont Avenue project and illicit CBM Zone. Tucker and his buddies surrendered, but at the same time tried to arrogate the Rockland County zoning process and General Municipal Law (GML) to themselves:
That led to the Judge slamming them on Friday morning with the upload of His Honor’s landmark Decision and Order against them. Justice Greenfeld cleaned their clock:
Now, please have a look at the below 30-page October 10, 2024 packet of malicious fiction (herein, the “October 10 Packet”) which Piermont Village counsel attests was furnished to the individual known as “To Whom It May Concern” at “Rockland County Planning Department”[sic] on the October 10, 2024 date - again, a day before Justice Greenfeld's written Decision and Order was rendered.
A few observations about the October 10 Packet, aside from the fact that Mayor Bruce Tucker wasted even more Piermont resident taxpayer money sending it through outside Westchester litigation counsel:
1. The Packet Issuance Was Premature, And Fails. Bruce Tucker's October 10 Packet should be treated as a nullity and a failure. It was issued to the Rockland County Department of Planning (the full and proper name of the agency) one day prior to Justice Greenfeld’s October 11, 2024 Decision and Order which directed the General Municipal Law (GML) referral of the proposed CBM Zone. Usually, you don't do something ordered by the court until the court orders it. Mayor Tucker and the Village of Piermont jumped the gun instead. Yet by doing so, they rendered the attempted referral in the October 10 Packet technically defective at best - but really, they rendered it null and void by mistiming it. Mayor Tucker and the Village of Piermont government are truly the gang that cannot shoot straight.
2. Daniel (“Scissorhands”) Spitzer Lied Through His Teeth. Bruce Tucker's October 10 Packet should be treated as a nullity and a failure for this additional set of reasons. On two separate undated pages printed below, one moral vacuum known as Daniel Spitzer signs off on a “Short Environmental Assessment Form – Part 3 Determination of Significance”, as the “Name of [the] Responsible Officer in [the] Lead Agency”. Daniel Spitzer therein checks the box indicating that he has “determined, based on the information and analysis above, and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts”. Of course, that assertion by Daniel Spitzer is absolutely and utterly false.

Daniel Spitzer was the Chair of the Planning Board of the Village of Piermont. Yet Daniel Spitzer quit the Planning Board in disgrace in late April of this year - half a year ago:
By quitting in April, albeit in shame, Daniel Spitzer thought that he could somehow hide from Bruce Tucker and Tucker’s filthy real estate deal planned for 447-477 Piermont Avenue. But Daniel Spitzer can never hide from the dirty deal that he shepherded with Tucker - nor can he hide from himself. Daniel Spitzer’s own bloody fingerprints are all over the CBM Zone file and bad-faith referral to the County – just look at the full text of his two attestations and certifications below:

Moreover, the 447-477 Piermont Avenue location, the real focal-point of Tucker's intended and environmentally-injurious CBM Zone, is itself known to be the site of a former Sunoco gasoline station with underground gasoline tanks:
447-477 Piermont Avenue is also known to be less than 800 feet from a Superfund site:
Yet Daniel Spitzer actually signed a writing attesting and certifying that the CBM Zone "will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts".

Even considering all the due diligence that Daniel Spitzer and his clownish fellow members of the Piermont Planning Board failed to perform, Daniel Spitzer has at all times known full well of the multiple adverse environmental impacts the 447-477 Piermont Avenue development and CBM Zone generally, would have on the small Village of Piermont. 

Daniel Spitzer lied through his teeth when signing off on these two “Short Environmental Assessment Forms”, intending that they be submitted as false instruments.
Then, Bruce Tucker and his cohorts submitted the two subject false instruments bearing Daniel Spitzer's name and signature, respectively, to a Rockland County governmental agency on October 10, 2024. Given the six-month gap since Daniel Spitzer last held office in Piermont, Bruce Tucker really threw Daniel Spitzer under the bus when doing so.
I would like to say that I was surprised to see the lies propagated by Daniel Spitzer. But I'm not. Given the unconscionable way in which Daniel Spitzer proceeded in the epic Rockland County medical malpractice and cover-up case of Jones and Jones v. Daniel Evan (Dan) Spitzer, M.D. et al., Index # 31649/2011 (Sup. Ct. Rockland Co. 2011), and even given the fact that the monetary damage award to the plaintiff-widower was later reduced - see:

Jones and Jones v. Daniel Evan (Dan) Spitzer, M.D. et al., Index # 31649/2011 (Sup. Ct. Rockland Co. 2011): Plaintiff Opening Statement.
Jones and Jones v. Daniel Evan (Dan) Spitzer, M.D. et al., Index # 31649/2011 (Sup. Ct. Rockland Co. 2011): Dan Spitzer Entire Testimony.
Jones and Jones v. Daniel Evan (Dan) Spitzer, M.D. et al., Index # 31649/2011 (Sup. Ct. Rockland Co. 2011): Plaintiff Closing Statement.

Press Accounts Of The Litigation And Initial Jury Verdict.$56-million-after-spinal-surgery-left-her-quadriplegic
… No one should therefore be surprised that Daniel Spitzer would certify and attest to wholly-fictitious statements in the two “Short Environmental Assessment Forms” printed above and below, included in Piermont’s October 10, 2024 referral packet issued to Rockland County. Actually, I would expect nothing less from the brother of disgraced former State of New York Governor Eliot Spitzer of “Client 9”, black socks, 
Ashley Dupré, and mistress-folded-into-hotel-luggage infamy.

3. Mayor Bruce Tucker And Piermont Village Government Filed False Instruments. Bruce Tucker's October 10 Packet should be treated as a nullity and a failure for this additional reason. Daniel Spitzer quit the Village of Piermont Planning Board in late April, 2024. Yet Piermont Mayor Bruce Tucker and his gang of merry pranksters, by including two undated Daniel Spitzer certifications and attestations in the October 10, 2024 referral packet as described above - without any attendant explanation therein of Daniel Spitzer's April 2024 departure from his government seat - have thereby misrepresented to the Rockland County Department of Planning that Daniel Spitzer somehow continues to hold the same office that he quit in disgrace half-a-year ago as the Chair of the Village of Piermont Planning Board. By doing so, Tucker and his associates rendered the October 10 Packet attempted referral, technically-defective at best - and worse yet and again, Tucker and his associates thereby filed false instruments with a Rockland County governmental agency.
4. Mayor Bruce Tucker And Piermont Village Government Made Additional False Statements. Additionally, Piermont Mayor Bruce Tucker should go to prison for his own false statements made to the Rockland County Department of Planning in the October 10, 2024 Packet. Bruce Tucker therein attests that the referred CBM Zone will have either a “small impact” or else no impact on any of the following:
-Existing land use plans and zoning regulations.
-Intensity of land use.
-The existing community’s character.
-The existing community’s quality.
-Energy use.
-Water supply.
-Wastewater treatment.
-Historic resources.
-Architectural resources.
-Aesthetic resources.
-Natural resources like wetlands, waterbodies, groundwater, air quality, flora, and fauna.
-Environmental resources.
-Human health.

These written statements made by Bruce Tucker are obviously preposterous and false.

5. The Challenge To Daniel Spitzer. The challenge to Daniel Spitzer is now simple. Daniel Spitzer must recant his two attestations and certifications to false facts included in the below October 10, 2024 packet, and serve his own written apology for his falsehoods in writing upon all affected parties including the Rockland County Department of Planning, and ethically-bereft Mayor pro tempore Bruce Tucker. Spitzer needs to turn proverbial state's evidence on Tucker, to proverbially save Spitzer's own reptilian skin. 

I want a copy of Daniel Spitzer's apology, too. My fax number is 1-212-410-2380. The fax machine has paper in it, and it is ready to receive.

I would add the exhortation here that confession is good for the soul, but somehow in this particular case I do not think that the adage applies.