Sunday, April 14, 2024

Many Gifts For The Good People Of Piermont, New York.

I know what you are thinking right now. You are scrolling through the 9 below documents saying, "Jeez, why is he going on yet another one of his rants about phantom New Jersey LLCs?

But I'm not. Tonight, it's a lot better than that.

Tonight is the night that you finally get to meet the man who is identified in State of New Jersey governmental records as behind the formation of Piermont Developers "Limited Liability Company".

It's not Phil Griffin.

It's not Craig R. Weis Esq.

And it's not Billy Falkenstern.

No. According to the 4th page in the 9 pages of ".jpeg" documents sequenced below, which were downloaded from New Jersey State public records this past Thursday, the "[P]rincipal" and "[M]anager/[M]ember/[M]anaging [M]ember" of Piermont Developers "Limited Liability Company", is a man named in those records, and written in all-CAPS in those records, as "GERALD POLLIDORO"[sic] of Norwood, New Jersey.

Yet you might ask, why do I put "[sic]" next to the exact spelling of the man's name indicated in the official New Jersey State records regarding the LLC? After all, don't I usually just use references to "[sic]" when quoting Craig's correspondence to Phil?

Yeah. Usually. But I'll tell you why I use "[sic]" here. The reason is really important and in turn revelatory of what may turn out to be a much more significant pattern. 

When you search "Gerald Pollidoro" exactly as spelled in the governmental public records below, and search it not only in New Jersey records but all over the Internet, even on a nationwide-search basis, you find nobody who fits the profile of the guy behind this "LLC" for whom we have all been looking. When I searched at first, it was like searching for a ghost.

But now I found the actual guy. The REAL guy. That is, the real Principal, Owner, and Manager/Member/Managing Member of "Piermont Developers Limited Liability Company", at least of the original 2013 filing of the LLC with the State of New Jersey, and then as identified by same name in the January 7, 2015 last known LLC filing of an Annual Report. (We will next determine whether this real guy is still owning and running things currently. The other possibility is that the real guy got out around 2015 through 2017, and the reason why no one wanted to file LLC Annual Reports since his exit was because they did not want to identify the name of any new successor owner of the LLC).

In any event, the real guy, the venerable founder of "Piermont Developers Limited Liability Company", actually spells his name "Gerard M. Polidoro". You can tell me whether anyone refers to him as "Jerry".

The real guy, "Gerard M. Polidoro", actually tracks to the same exact Avenue in Norwood New Jersey as filed and identified in public government records as the current address of Piermont Developers "Limited Liability Company".

"Gerard M. Polidoro" also is, or was, an electrician. So why might an electrician want to participate in the development and construction of a monstrous 14-unit architectural carbuncle dropped into the middle of Piermont? 

Oh... yeah.

So for now, anyway, it will be appropriate to refer to the most likely head of Piermont Developers Limited Liability Company as "Gerard M. Polidoro a/k/a Gerald Pollidoro", or even "Gerard M. Polidoro alias Gerald Pollidoro", because the man is on-record as both. 

He can now tell us which version he prefers and why. 

But notice that both his first name and his last name are different in each of the two versions and data-sets - the two different first names of "Gerard" as opposed to "Gerald"[sic], and then also the two different last names "Polidoro" as opposed to "Pollidoro"[sic]. I don't think that I have ever witnessed a double-transposition like that before - even with professional entertainers. Usually when entertainers version their names, they change their names entirely. Here the two misspellings are just subtle enough to throw off the Internet bots, and send all those searching down the wrong path and trail. 

Well, almost all.

Now, when you review the below documents, please ask yourself how in the world an LLC Certificate of Formation filed with the State of New Jersey government in 2013 presumably by counsel, could possibly have gotten wrong both the Principal's first name and also the Principal's last name, in the same proverbial breath?... In the very anchor document for the LLC's filing? Come on... Usually filers proofread.

Additionally, couple that thought with the fact that, while these are public records available to all, one nevertheless is required to pay for New Jersey records. I know. I just laid out a few hundred bucks along with a friend of yours who shared the minor economic hit with me, to pull these findings from the relevant State of New Jersey database. As many of you probably already know, there are deliberate barriers to entry to gain public record information in New Jersey, probably in part because the people that tend to populate Bergen County also tend to like to stay behind the scenes, if you at all know what I am talking about. Not to mention, the State of New Jersey itself can be piggish about collecting revenue, which makes even more sense every single time that I watch that video of Chris Christie on the boardwalk heckling the schoolteacher while eating an ice cream cone at the same time:

So, I am going to submit to you that counsel's 2013 transposition of the name "Gerard M. Polidoro" to "Gerald Pollidoro"[sic] in the governmentally-filed foundational document for the LLC itself could have been inadvertence and error. 


Yet here's the other possibility.

Maybe it wasn't inadvertence and error. After all, it certainly makes the real "Gerard M. Polidoro" MUCH harder to electronically find, when he is mis-indexed in New Jersey State records as "Gerald Pollidoro"[sic] instead. Query if that was part of anyone's deliberate plan to evade scrutiny... What's that? You think that's being too skeptical? OK... So, did you ever find Polidoro before? Did anyone at Piermont Village Hall ever find him before?

For that matter, when you electronically-search the relevant New Jersey State database for "Piermont Developers, LLC" - the name that multiple phantom-LLC counsel have routinely and deliberately used on their recent filings with the Village of Piermont - you'll find nothing. NADA. Rather, the only time that you will get a hit for the entity on the New Jersey State database, is when you instead search the much longer phrase of "Piermont Developers Limited Liability Company" - that is, the 5 full words, no acronym suffix, 41 characters (or 45 characters if you count the spaces in-between all the words). Query if that was part of anyone's deliberate plan to evade scrutiny, too. After all, most filers just use the acronymic "LLC" suffix only even though the full 3-word-phrase suffix is permitted, to make things easier on themselves, and also to make the fledgling LLC find-able for those that wish to look for it.

To follow that thread, perhaps even the failure to renew the "LLC" filings for a period of around 7 consecutive years was a fearful and deliberate attempt - whether fears grounded in reality vel non - to try to avoid having the rambling overstuffed 5-word name of the phantom LLC keep popping up in extrinsic records like the Internet over that same 7-year period. After all, there has to be some explanation for the 7-year default. Maybe someone thought that by failing to file and pay Annual Reports, and thereby take the LLC into proverbial cold storage, it would ultimately attract less external attention to itself. In other words, maybe they iced their own LLC for imagined strategic purposes. For that matter, that certainly would be a better story to tell than "I messed up every single year for 7 straight consecutive years".

So why not now give Gerard M. Polidoro of Norwood, New Jersey and his associate Craig R. Weis Esq. the opportunity to explain how it is that the now-phantom LLC and its Principal have been so mischaracterized in governmental and publicly-available records over recent years? 

Invite them both to the next Village meeting - and I mean both of them.

Polidoro, too.

Most importantly, if it turns out that Gerard M. Polidoro is STILL the Principal and Manager/Member/Managing Member of Piermont Developers "Limited Liability Company" now in 2024, then in that case let Gerard M. Polidoro explain to the good people of the Village why he would ever want to be involved with an initiative intended to bring the Ugliest Real Estate Development In The World to Piermont, New York. Because if this is still his "LLC", then I think that he has some 'splaining to do.

As for the "Many Gifts" reference in the title of this Blog post, well, that's the translation of "Polidoro" out of one of my own sacred homelands. So let's give some of those gifts back, because it's all about giving back, isn't it?
