Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Craig R. Weis Esq., And Piermont Developers Limited Liability Company.

Even if the principal (or principals) of "Piermont Developers Limited Liability Company" are inclined to play "hide-the-ball" with the homeowners and residents of Piermont, New York, as to who is really behind the awful plan to build 14 ugly eyesore residential units making the center of beautiful Piermont look like a Motel 6, Super 8, and Ramada Inn rolled into one abhorrent construct, one thing is still for sure.

Public filings, government filings, leave a trace.

Culled just only today from the publicly-available Internet resource of "", below you will find a read-out indicating that a lawyer named "Craig R. Weis Esq." is the "Agent" - or, in the more full legal parlance to which I am accustomed, the "registered agent for service of process" - for "Piermont Developers Limited Liability Company". It is not yet clear whether Mr. Weis is also a principal or at least one of the principals of "Piermont Developers Limited Liability Company", too, but that additional information should be unearthed shortly. For that matter, maybe the residents of the Village should send Mr. Weis an invitation to the next upcoming May 13, 2024 Piermont Planning Board meeting, so that he can tell everybody in attendance what the actual answer is, and for whom he is really "agenting".

Incidentally, ignore the multiple misspellings below of "Weis" as "Weiss"[sic] instead - because "our" Craig Weis really does spell his last name like the former New York Mets infielder, with one letter "s". You'll see that once you look up the other references to him on the Internet.

We also learn valuable other information from these below documents, assuming that "" is accurate and updated, that is.

Piecing it all together from the below raw information, the address of "Piermont Developers Limited Liability Company" is apparently:

Piermont Developers Limited Liability Company
1100 Blanch Avenue
Norwood, New Jersey 07648-1509 USA
Attn: Craig R. Weis Esq., Agent

Additionally, Craig R. Weis Esq. has apparently served as "Agent" for "Piermont Developers Limited Liability Company" since December 2013 - that is, for over a decade.

Finally for now, I should add that, given the background of Mr. Weis as a former criminal prosecutor, I should not be surprised that one of the other entities with which "" says Mr. Weis is associated in some way, is "Big Lou's Bail Bonds LLC" in Closter, New Jersey.

Sometimes, this stuff writes itself. It's the Bad News Bears all over again.