It was apparent that as early as this past Monday, if not earlier, several local yokels and other water-carrier functionaries were entrusted with the task of trying to totally disassociate well-known Piermont, New York landowner Phil Griffin from the debacle of The Ugliest Real Estate Development In The World at 447-477 Piermont Avenue - the one that now, as of Monday night and thanks to Facebook, everybody knows about. You can't really blame Phil for that. If you were Phil, you would want to wash your hands of this mess too.
Now, it may in fact be a true statement that title to Mr. Griffin's portion of the intended-to-be-"merged" property already passed to "Piermont Developers Limited Liability Company", or perhaps even passed to some straw man in the meantime. Whatever the truth, we will know for sure as we continue to unearth every single last document from Piermont, Orangetown, and Rockland County, New York real estate records and all other available records. A massive FOIL and FOIA campaign is now underway. And property transfers typically cannot be hidden in the same way that... oh... the underground toxicity of a former gas station site can be hidden, for example. We are going to dig everything up - and I mean EVERYTHING.
But one thing is for sure. At least some people considered the Griffin lot (whether today currently or formerly so-monikered), and the lot's "merger" with the second or third Piermont lot referenced below, a necessary precursor to what is now known as The Ugliest Real Estate Development In The World intended for 447-477 Piermont Avenue. To that end, just read this verbatim excerpted text from the Piermont Planning Board meeting notice for this past Monday night's meeting:
Here is that same key text in Word format:
PB#23-07: Application of ["]Piermont Developers LLC["] for a four-lot subdivision Plat Review (Chapter 174.5) subdivision lot merge of small lots to one larger lot for construction of a new three-story, 14-unit multiple dwelling development located at 447-477 Piermont Avenue, Piermont New York. The property is located at 447 and 477 Piermont Avenue across the street from Village Hall and is identified on the Orangetown Tax Map as Section 75.55, Block 1, Lots 13, 14, 14.2 and 14.1; in the CB §61.6 C zone. (LEAD Agency and SEQRA Determination).
[Bold-face emphasis added].
And guess what?
One other thing is for sure, too.
That sure is none other than Phil Griffin's cursive signature on the below letter, which he signed on behalf of the Piermont Landing Property Owners Association on November 6, 2023. And now you get to see it, too. The next time that one of those local yokel water-carrier functionaries tries to run the "disassociate Phil from the dumpster-fire" playbook, whip out a copy of this letter and stick it right in their pocket or pocketbook:
November 6, 2023
Village of Piermont
478 Piermont Ave
Piermont, NY 10968
Re: Planning Board Appearance Permission for 447-477 Piermont Avenue Development
If you require any further documentation or have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly.
Thank you for your patience and attention to this matter.
Phil Griffin