Saturday, April 13, 2024

Phil... Craig... BUDDIES.

It's right there in public view on the Internet. Hiding in plain sight:

Sure, it's an ugly Internet URL and link - just like the ugliness of the 2019 signed and countersigned document below constituting the above-linked ".pdf" 19th page (or 14th page) - and just like the ugliness of the 14-unit excrescence which Piermont Developers "Limited Liability Company" seeks to cram-down on the residents of Piermont, New York under the guise of a "real estate development".

But look at the bright side. The above-linked full 26-page ".pdf" is tagged and titled as "Piermont Developers LLC Package" - so at least you're not forced to look at their Package, right?

Yet maybe you collect autographs. Maybe you are a Village historian. Maybe you are a homeowner who likes to see how your property tax dollars are being spent. And maybe you really want to have an answer ready, the next time that some "Friend Of Phil" in the Village of Piermont tries to suggest to you that, "Oh, Phil is OUT of it. Phil has nothing to do with that new 14-unit development placed right directly in the center of town".

In the words of Jim Gosger - "Yeah, Sure..."

In this letter, Craig R. Weis[,] Esq. appears to script words for Phil Griffin and "memorialize" Phil's consent, perhaps from an immediately-prior phone conversation or an in-person meeting between the two.  
In this letter, Craig R. Weis[,] Esq. also repeatedly references a revoked and therefore fictitious limited liability company which Weis calls "Piermont Developers, LLC", a non-entity entity which as we already know did not actually exist in the State of New Jersey from Year 2017 through Year 2024, and therefore could not possibly have existed as such at any time in Year 2019:

In this letter Craig R. Weis[,] Esq. also memorializes what Weis characterizes as Phil's consent to the imaginary LLC's application to rezone the subject land at 447-477 Piermont Avenue in Piermont, New York.

In this letter Craig R. Weis[,] Esq. also memorializes what Weis characterizes as Phil's consent to the imaginary LLC's application to obtain site plan approval of the subject land at 447-477 Piermont Avenue in Piermont, New York.

In this letter Craig R. Weis[,] Esq. also memorializes what Weis characterizes as Phil's authorization for the imaginary LLC or its rep to appear before the Piermont Planning Board or other body "as necessary for an approval process". That's collaboration.

So why does Weis need Phil's signature on this letter so badly? Because a statutory provision in New York law commonly considered as a component-part of the so-called "Statute Of Frauds", requires that a conveyance of an interest in real estate must be memorialized in a writing signed ("subscribed") by the person against whom the obligation is to be charged. If you prefer the Albany-speak, then, here:

Therefore, finally, in this letter - now clearly far more contract than correspondence - Craig R. Weis[,] Esq. asks Phil to counter-execute the document indicating Phil's acknowledgment of all these things, so that Craig's client may "proceed accordingly". 
And guess what? 

Does Phil reject this letter, presumptively and presumptuously sent to Phil with Phil's own full name already preprinted under the signature-line? Does Phil tell Weis to go scratch - while thereby defending his likely-unsuspecting Piermont neighbors and the integrity of their own homes and their beautiful and historic town?

No. Phil does not. 

Rather, Phil countersigns the letter agreement. Dutifully. As instructed by Jersey counsel touting a phantom LLC.

Phil then returns the countersigned letter agreement as Craig has asked him to do - so that the firm of Zarin and Steinmetz can then and thereby attach that same Phil-countersigned document as an Exhibit to a November 9, 2021 Zoning petition submitted to the Mayor and the Members of the Village "Board Of Trustees".

And with a stroke of his pen, Phil washes his hands of the Village, washes his hands of his neighbors, and thereby relegates the Village of Piermont, New York to what soon thereafter becomes the Ugliest Real Estate Development In The World.



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Here is the Word scan of the operative text:

"August 26, 2019

RE: Piermont Developers, LLC

Dear Mr. Griffin:

AS[sic] you are aware my client is proposing to develop a certain parcel of land almost directly across from Boro[sic] hall[sic] on Piermont Avenue. A portion of that development would include land that is owned by you. This letter shall memorialize that you consent to my clients[sic] application to both rezone and obtain site plan approval. Further, this letter shall serve as authorization for Piermont Developers, LLC or an authorized representative to appear before the Piermont Planning Board or other such body as necessary for an approval process.

I would ask that you sign the bottom of this letter, indicating your acknowledgement, and return same to my office, so that my client may proceed accordingly.

Very truly yours,

Craig R. Weis, Esq.

Phil Griffin"