Sunday, April 14, 2024

Flashback To 2015: Polidoro Properties, LLC Runs Out Of Money, And Gets DESTROYED By The New Jersey DEP For Punting On A Massive Leaking Underground Gasoline Tank.

The rocket-scientists running the Village of Piermont, New York Planning Board are about to allow a fake New Jersey LLC named "Piermont Developers Limited Liability Company" - last known to be owned and operated by one Gerard M. Polidoro of Norwood, New Jersey - to pave-over a Piermont, New York plot of land which by at least some accounts used to be, inter alia, a commercial gasoline station. The Piermont Planning Board members are doing this while deliberately circumventing the potential environmental disaster thereby engendered. Why? Because it's about money. The Piermont Planning Board and Piermont Developers LLC are collaborating to place a disgusting 14-unit architectural pustule in the middle of New York State's most historic and beautiful Hudson River village. 

And everybody gettin' some.

Therefore, it should now come as no surprise that "Polidoro Properties, LLC", owned by the self-same Gerard M. Polidoro, a number of years ago succeeded through an escrow to an auto site in Bergenfield, New Jersey. That auto site was discovered to have a massive underground gasoline-tank problem. Wow. What a coincidence. The submerged Bergenfield tank that some apparently had tried to ignore and forget, created an environmentally-disastrous toxic spill. Whether initially a bona fide purchaser or not, by way of strict liability as a matter of law, Polidoro Properties, LLC, owned and managed by the one and only Gerard M. Polidoro, was fully responsible for the clean-up - and after all, what does one expect when purchasing the site of a New Jersey gasoline station, anyway? Not only did Polidoro Properties, LLC fail to clean-up the hazardous waste site once first required - but Polidoro Properties, LLC RAN OUT OF MONEY and effectively threw itself on the mercy of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. Yeah? Well, good luck with that. You can read below about the proverbial dumpster-fire that ensued.

In fact, Polidoro Properties, LLC was so broke at the time, that at one point the LLC actually did not even put in a defense in the highly-adversarial New Jersey DEP proceeding. That's right. The LLC defaulted - just like Piermont Developers "Limited Liability Company" defaulted in filing and paying Annual Reports for at least 7 consecutive years. Yet you will see the name of Craig R. Weis, Esq. on the service-list on the second document below - a name now well-known to all of us as a Polidoro associate - just as Weis is all over the current Piermont-related paper-trail pertaining to Piermont Developers "Limited Liability Company".

As you will also see below, an angry New Jersey DEP assessed a fine of almost US$60,000 and ordered the clean-up of the Bergenfield toxic netherworld anyway, despite the then-impoverished bleatings of Polidoro Properties, LLC.

And what? These are the same people that the Piermont Planning Board are now allowing to run roughshod over the good people residing in the picturesque and historic community of Piermont? 

Is the Village Planning Board opening these floodgates without testing soil?... How about water?

Is the Village Planning Board opening these floodgates without running a Dun and Bradstreet credit check on "Piermont Developers Limited Liability Company" and Equifax, Transunion, and Experian credit reports on Gerard M. Polidoro?


What could go wrong with that?

There are one of two possibilities. Either the Piermont Village Planning Board utterly failed to do even a modicum of due diligence on Polidoro and his LLCs, or else the Piermont Village Planning Board actually did do due diligence on Polidoro and his LLCs and then deliberately chose to withhold and conceal the findings from you, the good people of Piermont, New York - so that people could get paid on the 447-477 Piermont Avenue development.

Guess what? Either way, you should consider the individual members of your Piermont Planning Board to be environmental perps. And if you don't, then I have some friends that will.