Wednesday, April 10, 2024

FOUND It: Meet Piermont Developers Limited Liability Company Of Norwood, New Jersey.

No, this is really the place.

When you run "1100 Blanch Avenue of Norwood, New Jersey" through Google Maps, you get this photographic image. This is what 1100 Blanch Avenue of Norwood, New Jersey looked like as of September 2021, anyway.

So, thusfar, it appears that "Piermont Developers Limited Liability Company" of Norwood, New Jersey is run out of a stonemason company storefront. On Google Maps, this image is tagged with two entity-names: "Northern Valley Stone LLC", and "MT Embroidery and Promotions". A Google search reveals a third business apparently tied to the same address - "Reiner Air Conditioning and Heating". A further Google Search reveals that "Northern Valley Stone LLC" is owned by an apparent stonemason named William (Billy) Falkenstern.

At least it now looks like Craig R. Weis Esq. may not be the principal of "Piermont Developers Limited Liability Company", as opposed to just the LLC's "Agent". Maybe he represents the LLC. Or Falkenstern. Maybe he'll tell us. Or maybe he won't. 

So assuming that the information on Google Maps and Google generally is still current and correct - query, what POSSIBLE profit-motive could a stone mason qua air conditioning company have in a behemoth construction project? And does this mean that all the high-priced rental or condo residents of the disgusting building intended for 447-477 Piermont Avenue in Piermont, New York, will at least get some nice embroidered promotional jackets to wear to advertise their respective roles in permanently destroying Piermont's aesthetic and character?