Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Letter To The Rockland County Department Of Health.

Law Office of John J. Tormey III, Esq.
John J. Tormey III, PLLC
1636 Third Avenue, PMB 188
New York, NY  10128  USA
(212) 410-4142 (phone)
(212) 410-2380 (fax)
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
VIA FAX: 1-845-364-2628, U.S. MAIL, and E-MAIL:
Deputy Commissioner Kevin McKay
Rockland County Department of Health (RCDOH)
50 Sanatorium Road, Building D
Pomona, NY 10970 USA
VIA FAX: 1-845-364-2628 and U.S. MAIL
Rockland County Department of Health (RCDOH)
Department Of Environmental Health
50 Sanatorium Road, Building D
Pomona, NY 10970 USA
The Deliberate Paving-Over Of A Former Sunoco Gasoline Station And Suspected Toxic Site
Location: 447-477 Piermont Avenue, Piermont, New York, 10968 USA
Dear Deputy Commissioner McKay, and Colleagues:
What has triggered my letter to you today are the unsavory activities of a New Jersey real estate developer and its individual associates, seeking to place a behemoth, overstuffed 14-unit residential building - while at the same time paving-over what is a former Sunoco gasoline station site suspected to be toxic - on a small property in the very center of the beautiful and historic Village of Piermont, New York:
If the developers are allowed to accomplish their unacceptable objective, there will likely be severe adverse environmental and health consequences for Piermont and its residents.
Piermont is directly appurtenant to the Hudson River, as we well know. The location of the property at issue is 447-477 Piermont Avenue, Piermont, New York, 10968 USA. My understanding is that the reason for the hyphenate address, is the fact that this location is comprised of three or four smaller plots which were deliberately combined for the purpose of the wrongful development activity in question.
The developer entity that I believe is threatening to build over and on top of this potentially toxic site is known as “Piermont Developers Limited Liability Company” alias “Piermont Developers, LLC”, a New Jersey “LLC” whose status has been revoked for seven (7) years or more by the State of New Jersey for failing to file and pay its Annual Reports.
The last-known Manager, Member, and Managing Member of “Piermont Developers Limited Liability Company” is one Gerard M. (Jerry) Polidoro, an individual who was slammed by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) about a decade ago for failing to remediate a (different) toxic gasoline station site in Bergenfield, New Jersey:
It is therefore beyond comprehension to the citizens of Piermont how lightning could be allowed to strike twice in this regard.
According to a Deed which I just reviewed for a portion of the 447-477 Piermont Avenue property, the recent buyers and current owners of that portion of the property identified as “475 Piermont Avenue” appear to be the same “Piermont Developers Limited Liability Company” alias “Piermont Developers, LLC", and Gerard M. (Jerry) Polidoro:
I am writing to you to therefore try to stop a potential environmental calamity-in-the-making which is unfolding before my eyes and the eyes of the people of the Village of Piermont. At minimum, the residents of the Village of Piermont need immediate RCDOH attention paid to this environmental and health threat. Both the developers and the soft Village of Piermont government thusfar appear to be steamrollering ahead to pave over this site deliberately. The site is currently being used as a parking lot for about 24 to 35 cars at a time, and has been used as such from at least as far back as the 1990s – which alone should also raise serious environmental concerns.
While I do not believe that politics should play a part in anything like this, you actually should be made aware in this case, to the extent you are not already aware, that the Chair of the Village of Piermont Planning Board is one Daniel Spitzer, brother of disgraced former New York State Governor Eliot Spitzer of “Client 9”, black socks, and hotel folding-girlfriend luggage infamy:

I urge you and your RCDOH colleagues to please attend to this potential calamity-in-the-making, and use every possible RCDOH resource to protect the residents of the Village of Piermont, New York. The people of the Village need you, and the people of the Village are counting on you.
Thank you for your careful consideration of this letter.
Respectfully submitted,

John J. Tormey III, Esq.